
FOSSCell NITC is the Free and Open Source Software Community at NITC. It mainly serves to popularize the use and spread awareness, in the campus, about the advantages of using Free Software, through demonstrations, installation fests etc, encourage students to get involved in Free Software development- both community Free Software projects and events like the Google Summer of Code and discuss how and why FOSS can be used effectively in the curriculum, probably replacing proprietary tools.


The major activities conducted by FOSSCell NITC this year include:


1. Linux Boot Camp: This consisted of Linux installation followed by providing necessary information regarding usage of Linux systems in an efficient manner.


2. Basic Linux Workshop: We planned to give a proper introduction to Linux in this one day workshop. And accordingly, we covered introduction to FOSS, basic linux commands, and introduction to linux utilities in the morning session. During the afternoon session, we covered introduction to vim, shell script exercise, advanced linux commands, introduction to linux file system, and some more linux utilities.


            Date: August 16 2015


3. Firefox OS Hackathon:  FOSSCell, NIT Calicut along with Tathva '15 teamed up with Mozilla Firefox, one of the largest open-source communities in the world to conduct the Day of Code. A 24-hour FxOS hackathon was conducted on September 19th, 2015 to mark the Software Freedom Day. The quality apps produced at the end of the hackathon is an outstanding example of how collaboration can lead to world-class open source products.

            Website: http://hackathon.tathva.org/


4. Git week:

            This consisted of two workshops. Namely, the Beginner workshop and the Advanced workshop on  04/01/2016 and 11/01/2016 respectively.

            Discussion group: gitweek-discussions@googlegroups.com


5. Linux Workshop:

Conducted as a pre-FOSSMeet event

            We prepared a two day "Linux Workshop" on 24th and 25th February 2016, for the first years, so that they could have a basic understanding of Linux.


6. Rust Workshop: Pre-FOSSMeet Workshop on Rust,a general-purpose, multi-paradigm, compiled programming language, by Mr. Noufal Ibrahim, the founder of PyCon India and an NITC alumni on 30th and 31st January 2016.


7. FOSSMeet ‘16:

FOSSMeet is the annual event on Free and Open source software, conducted at National Institute of Technology, Calicut. This year, we conducted FOSSMeet '16 successfully, with a good number of participants and a whole range of workshops planned out for them.

Website: http://fossmeet.in/