
Dr. Arun K. Raj is awarded the prestigious Marie Skodwska Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship


Dr. Arun K. Raj, former Ph.D. student in Thermal Sciences (who Graduated in November 2020), who was supervised by Prof. Simon Jayaraj (Professor-HAG, Retd.) and Dr. M. Srinivas (Associate Professor) in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the National Institute of Technology Calicut has been awarded the prestigious Marie Skodwska Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship by the European Union (EU).
The fellowship allows him to acquire new skills through advanced training, international, interdisciplinary, and intersectoral mobility. Dr. Arun will work with the Technological University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark (QS 2023 - #104), and then do his secondment at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), Netherlands (QS 2023 - #138).
His research interests are Solar-thermal applications, Thermal energy storage, Experimental and numerical heat transfer and fluid flow, Water harvesting, and Desalination. After his Ph.D., he joined as an Institute Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at IIT Bombay, India, for a brief period. Then he moved to the University of California, Merced, USA, as Postdoctoral Scholar, where he worked for one year. 
Hearty Congratulations to Dr. Arun K Raj.